Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Como quitar el fondo de una imagen en Word - borrar el fondo de una imagen | tutorial de Word

 Word es una de esas aplicaciones mucho más versátiles de lo que parece, y es que cuando uno piensa en un documento de texto no suele hacerlo en busca de curiosas y útiles herramientas de edición fotográfica. Hoy de hecho vamos a explicar cómo eliminar el fondo de una fotografía en Word usando sólo sus propias herramientas nativas.

 Elimina el fondo de una foto con Word


Lo primero que tienes que hacer es abrir un documento en blanco en Word. Una vez abierto, pulsa sobre la opción Insertar (1) de la barra de herramientas. En el menú que se te desplegará, elige la opción Ilustraciones, y dentro de ella pulsa sobre Imágenes (2) para añadir una imagen. Ahora utiliza el navegador para seleccionar la imagen que quieras añadir.


 Una vez tengas añadida la imagen, primero pulsa sobre la imagen para seleccionarla (1). Cuando la imagen esté seleccionada aparecerá una segunda opción Formato (2) a la derecha del todo de la barra de herramientas, y aunque tenga el mismo nombre que la opción principal de formato tiene herramientas diferentes relacionadas con la imagen seleccionada.


 Ahora pulsa sobre esta segunda opción de Formato (1) de la barra de herramientas, y cuando se te despliegue su menú emergente pulsa sobre la opción Quitar fondo (2) que te aparecerá a la izquierda del todo.


 Word aplicará un filtro por defecto seleccionando el área que quieres mantener, y dejando en rosa el área que va a eliminar. Este filtro no siempre es acertado, por lo que puedes utilizar las opciones Marcar las áreas para mantener y Marcar las áreas para quitar que te aparecerán en el menú superior.


La manera de proceder es la siguiente. Primero seleccionas una de las dos opciones de marcado (1), y después dibujas con el ratón sobre la imagen el área que quieras cambiar (2). De esta manera podrás dibujar áreas que quieras mantener en la foto, o añadir otras que quieras que se eliminen.


Una vez hayas dejado las áreas para mantener (aparecerán con el color original de la imagen) o para quitar (aparecerán en fucsia), ya sólo te queda aplicar los cambios pulsando sobre el botón Mantener cambios. Si no te convence el resultado podrás darle al botón de deshacer de Word y volver a empezar con el proceso.

 Y ya está, tienes ya una imagen en la que has eliminado el fondo dejando la parte que hayas seleccionado. Puedes guardar la imagen haciendo click derecho en ella y eligiendo la opción Guardar como imagen. Esta imagen se guardará en formato PNG dejando el fondo eliminado en transparente para que puedas utilizarlo según te convenga.

Mira este video para más detalles:

Saturday, April 25, 2020

[tutorial] How to stop chrome notification in Google Chrome

You want to stop chrome notification ? In this tutorial I will show you how to do this.
how to stop chrome notification

Step 1: Open Google chrome.
Step 2: Click the three horizontally stacked dots in the upper right-hand. Go to chrome setting, then type: chrome://settings/content. Then press Enter button on your keyboard.
Step 3: Click Notification.

Step 4: New windows appear, in here you can add or remove site you want to receive notification.
If you want stop notication from chrome:
On allow tab: Click remove site you don't want receive notification.
On block tab: Click all to add site you don't want notification.

To see more detail, please see this video:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Filmora Green Screen Editing - Filmora 9 Wondershare Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to edit green screen video in Filmora 9 software. With green screen effects, you can replace the real background of video with other background.  After see this tutorial, I hope that you can know how to use chroma key to edit green screen in Filmora. With other edit video software is the same steps.

As you can see, in the picture below:
Left side is video after remove green color with other video background.
Right side is original video.
Now, let's start !
Step 1: Import video file:
First, you need open Filmora 9 software. Then import video file you want edit.
Step 2: Edit video:
Then double click on green screen video, on Video tab:
Check on Chroma key, select green color.  You can adjust offset slider to have a good result.
After that, you can resize picture and move to the position you want.

And, this is the result video, you can click play to review result. If Ok, you can click export video to render video.
See this video for more detail:

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Filmora Slow Motion - How to make Slow Motion, Fast Forward, Reverse video in Filmora Wondershare 9

In this tutorial I will show you how to make slow motion in Filmora wondershare 9. With this effect you can confidence to make awesome video, and share it to youtube or facebook. After this lesson, you will learn how to use speed change feature for video with some effects: slow motion, fast forward, reverse speed.
Step 1: Import video file:
First, you need open Filmora 9 software, then import video file you want edit.
After that drag this video to timeline.
Step 2: You need to split video:
Choose the position you want edit, click trim button to split video.
After trim video We have some video part like this:
Step 3: Slow Motion:
Right click on video part, choose Speed and duration.
After that input speed you want.  You should check on ripple edit.
Step 4: Fast Forward: 
With Fast Forward video, do the same steps with slow motion.  Right click on video part and choose Speed and duration.
Then input speed you want. I will choose speed: 3.
Step 5: Reverse Speed video:
And with the reverse video, do the same steps with slow motion and fast forward.  And please remember that click on Reverse Speed.
Done, you can preview before export video, if you want to see more detail, please see this video:
You can see more Filmora effects and tutorial in my channel, thanks.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How to connect WiFi in Windows 7 - Windows 7 Wifi Connection Problem

In this post, I will show to you how to fix WiFi problem in Windows 7. If you can't go to google, download or any website, please follow this step to do this.
This tips very easy with about 3 steps. If you can't connect Wifi you can't do anything such as send, receive email, download, play games or watching movies...
Step 1: First, go to Start menu, then type: Device Manager. After that click on Device Manager.
Step 2: In Device Manager, please select Network adapters.

Step 3:  Choose the icon have black arrow. As you can see in this picture below.
I choose Intel (R) Centrino (R) Advanced...
Step 4: Then click Enable button.
Now you can see, just waiting for wifi connecting. Maybe around 1-2 minutes... So, in this time you can relax or drink coffee.
Now, it's OK. Wifi already connect. If it still not connect, please restart your computer.
If you want to see more detail, please see this video in below:

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Filmora Text Effects - Linear Wipe Effects - Filmora 9 Tutorial

Filmora Text Effects
In this lesson I will present to you how to make a filmora text effects. This video make by Technical MR. You need download font. I will add link in description. 
Step 1: go to Google and search "Gloss and Bloom" font. Then download, save to your computer.
Step 2: Double click to this font and install it, after that open the Filmora wondershare software. In this tutorial I use Filmora version 9.
Note: Click install to install font before open Filmora software.

Then insert the video file you want add text.  Split video to adjust duration. Change the text by double click on track video on timeline. You will see, one new window will appear.
You can easy to edit text, change font, size, color and some text effects such as shadow, stroke..
Click play to review result.
If Ok, you can click export video, choose the output video file, location and resolution.
For more detail ,please see this video:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wedding Intro - Filmora Wondershare 9 Tutorial

In this video I will show to you how to make a intro wedding by use Filmora Wondershare video editor